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(Click on picture for an excerpt of "Restoring Innocence," from my CD, Pieces of My Soul)

Nov 11 - Las Vegas, NV w/CeteraLac du Flambeau, WI w/Cetera Lake of the Torches Casino
Aug 16

Hello and welcome to the world of Boh Cooper. Happy 2018! . I am still touring with Cetera and Foster, my musical heroes. I also perform regularly with 3 different tribute bands in Nashville! Here is the link to my composer demos where you can hear cues from the score and other things I've been working on. Check iTunes for an arrangement I'm very excited about. I arranged Israel's national anthem mashed up with America The Beautiful, for choir and orchestra, (featuring Ron Jensen, tenor, and the Charlie Heimermann Chorale). This piece will have it's inaugural performance in Washington DC at the national summit for Christians United For Israel on July 17th!

I am still arranging, composing, preparing music, touring and loving life!

For those of you who play piano, why not try learning some of my music?! I have some transcriptions of the sheet music from my two CD's available. I am working on transcribing them all. For more details, feel free to email me: BOH@BOHCOOPER.COM

Available titles: Dance of The Gentle Giant, First Love, Longing For Home, Angels We Have Heard On High. Bridal Chorus.

Where you can see Boh Cooper play in 2018:
(if you are interested in attending any event, please email me and I'll send you more info)

Mar 22 - Lynn MA, with Peter Cetea
Mar 24 - Miami, FL, with Peter Cetera
April 12 - Puerta Vayarta, w Cetera
April 19 - Orlando, FL , David Foster (McDonald's conv.)
May3 - McAllen,TX CETERA

May 5 - Lawrenceburg, IN, Cetera
May 25 - Midland, TX, Cetera
May 26 - Lake Charles, LA, w Cetera
June 22 - Niagara Falls, CA, w Cetera
June 23 - Westbury, NJ, w Cetera
June 29 - San Jose, CA w Cetera
June 30 - San Diego, CA w Cetera


"Dear God, please make me a blessing to someone today. Help me to live courageously and sanely, amen!"

I wrote a praise song that speaks the truth from God's point of view about us.
It's called, "I am Worthy" mp3 

There's a voice that says I'll never be enough
That no matter what I do I don't deserve Your love
But when I look into your eyes
I see a love that overshadows every lie

I am wonderful, I am beautiful
I am totally forgiven, I am good, I am enough
By Your grace I am holy, by your power I am strong,
I'm valuable and precious to You
I am worthy of Your love.

Keb Mo wrote a similar song, with a little more groovacious-ness, that says
"I am amazing, and guess what, so are you!"

Make each day count! Remember, you are lovable, you are enough, and you are worthy of great love.

God bless you,

Bo with an H


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